Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 30th is the Deadline for Nyakatsi Houses

May the 30th is the deadline for the eradication of grass-thatched houses better known as Nyakatsi here in the country. Contact FM's correspondent in the Northern province has done an evaluation of how far this programme has been implemeted. In different districts of the country, new houses are being built for those in Grass thatched houses. In the northern province, authorities say they have almost fully accomplished this target-rating themselves at  91%.

The districts of Rulindo and Gakenke are the ones that have completed the removal of the grass thatched houses.

Gicumbi, Burera and Musanze districts are still having 1,125 houses that are being built. Musanze district still has 400 houses which haved not yet been roofed, in Gicumbi 200 of them are not roofed while and 500 are not roofed in Burera district.

The northern province has 12,124 grass thatched houses. A big number of the needy is found in sectors near volcanic mountains where there is no land for them. The project of   building houses for the needy has reached to 10,999 houses in this province.

However, even though the northern province has reached 91% in eradicating the grass thatches houses, it has a target of the 30th May, to have completely eradicated the grass thatched houses.

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